CSS Interview

Ace Your CSS Interview with These Top 50+ Questions!

If you’re preparing for a CSS interview, it’s crucial to be well-prepared with a solid understanding of CSS concepts and techniques. To help you in your preparation, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 50+ commonly asked CSS interview questions. These questions cover a wide range of topics, including CSS selectors, box model, positioning, responsive design, pseudo-classes, and much more. By familiarizing yourself with these questions and their answers, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to impress your interviewer and land that dream CSS job.

Let’s dive into the CSS Interview questions:

1. What is CSS?

Ans: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to describe the look and formatting of a document written in HTML.

2. What are the different ways to include CSS styles in a web page?

Ans: CSS styles can be included in a web page using three methods: inline styles, internal stylesheets, and external stylesheets.

3. What is the difference between inline, internal, and external CSS?

Ans: Inline CSS is applied directly within the HTML element using the style attribute. Internal CSS is defined within the <style> tags in the <head> section of the HTML document. External CSS is defined in a separate CSS file and linked to the HTML document using the <link> tag.

4. What is a CSS selector?

Ans: A CSS selector is used to target and select specific HTML elements on a web page to apply styles to them.

5. What are the different types of CSS selectors?

Ans: CSS selectors include element selectors, class selectors, ID selectors, attribute selectors, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements.

6. Explain the box model in CSS.

Ans: The box model in CSS describes the structure of an HTML element. It consists of content, padding, border, and margin. The total width or height of an element is calculated by summing up these components.

7. What is the purpose of the display property in CSS?

Ans: The display property defines how an element should be rendered. It determines whether an element is treated as a block, inline, or inline-block level element.

8. What is the difference between inline and block elements?

Ans: Inline elements do not create line breaks and only occupy the space necessary for their content. Block elements, on the other hand, create line breaks and occupy the full width available.

9. What is the purpose of the float property in CSS?

Ans: The float property is used to position an element to the left or right of its container, allowing content to flow around it.

10. What is a CSS pseudo-class?

Ans: A CSS pseudo-class is used to select and style specific elements based on their state or position in the document. Examples include :hover, :active, and :first-child.

11. What are media queries in CSS?

Ans: Media queries allow you to apply different CSS styles based on various device characteristics such as screen size, resolution, or orientation. They are commonly used for creating responsive designs.

12. Explain the concept of specificity in CSS.

Ans: Specificity determines which CSS rule takes precedence when multiple rules target the same element. It is calculated based on the type of selector used and the number of IDs, classes, and elements selected.

13. What is the purpose of the clear property in CSS?

Ans: The clear property specifies whether an element should be moved below floated elements that precede it.

14. How can you vertically center an element in CSS?

Ans: There are multiple methods to vertically center an element, including using flexbox, CSS Grid, or setting the display property to table for the parent element and table-cell for the child element.

15. Explain the difference between absolute and relative positioning in CSS.

Ans: Absolute and relative positioning are two different positioning techniques in CSS. Here’s an explanation of the difference between the two:

  • Relative Positioning: Relative positioning is a type of positioning that is relative to the element’s normal position in the document flow. When an element is set to position: relative, it remains in the normal document flow, and its position can be adjusted using properties like top, bottom, left, and right.
  • Absolute Positioning: Absolute positioning is a type of positioning that takes the element out of the normal document flow. When an element is set to position: absolute, it is positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (an ancestor with a position value of relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky) or the initial containing block if no positioned ancestor is found.

16. What is the purpose of the z-index property in CSS?

Ans: The z-index property in CSS is used to control the stacking order of elements on a web page. It specifies the z-axis position of an element relative to other elements. Elements with a higher z-index value will appear on top of elements with a lower value. This property is particularly useful when working with overlapping or layered elements.

17. What is the purpose of the box-sizing property in CSS?

Ans: The box-sizing property in CSS determines how the total width and height of an element is calculated, including the content, padding, and border. By default, the box-sizing value is set to content-box, which means that the width and height properties only apply to the content box. However, when box-sizing is set to border-box, the width and height properties also include the padding and border, resulting in a more intuitive box model.

18. How can you apply CSS styles to only the first letter or line of an element?

Ans: To apply styles to only the first letter of an element, you can use the ::first-letter pseudo-element. For example, to make the first letter of a paragraph red and larger, you can use the following CSS code:

p::first-letter {
color: red;
font-size: larger;

To apply styles to only the first line of an element, you can use the ::first-line pseudo-element. This can be useful for styling the first line of a paragraph differently. However, note that the ::first-line pseudo-element has some limitations and can only apply certain properties like color, font properties, and text-decoration.

19. What is the purpose of the :before and :after pseudo-elements in CSS?

Ans: The :before and :after pseudo-elements in CSS allow you to insert content before or after an element’s content, respectively. They are typically used to add decorative or additional content to elements without modifying the HTML structure. These pseudo-elements can be styled just like regular elements using CSS properties.

For example, the following CSS code adds a quotation mark before every <blockquote> element:

blockquote::before {
content: "“";
color: blue;

20. What is the purpose of the transition property in CSS?

Ans: The transition property in CSS enables smooth transitions between different property values over a specified duration. It allows you to control the speed and timing function of property changes, providing a more visually appealing experience. By defining the transition property on an element, you can specify which properties should be transitioned and how long the transition should take.

21. What are vendor prefixes in CSS? Provide some examples.

Ans: Vendor prefixes are a way to implement CSS features that are still experimental or not fully supported by all browsers. They are used as a prefix to CSS properties to target specific browser engines. Common vendor prefixes include -webkit- (for WebKit-based browsers like Chrome and Safari), -moz- (for Mozilla Firefox), and -ms- (for Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer).

Examples of vendor-prefixed CSS properties:

-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000;
-ms-transform: rotate(45deg);

It’s important to note that as browser support for CSS features improves, vendor prefixes are often no longer necessary.

22. What is the purpose of the box-shadow property in CSS?

Ans: The box-shadow property in CSS allows you to add a shadow effect to elements. It enables you to specify the horizontal and vertical offset of the shadow, blur radius, spread distance, and color. The box-shadow property enhances the visual appearance of elements, providing depth and dimension.

23. How can you create a responsive design using CSS?

Ans: To create a responsive design using CSS, you can utilize various techniques, such as:

  • Using media queries to apply different CSS styles based on the screen size or device characteristics.
  • Using flexible units like percentages and em to create fluid layouts.
  • Employing CSS Grid or Flexbox to create responsive grid systems.
  • Using relative font sizes (rem units) to ensure text scales appropriately.
  • Using responsive images with the max-width property to prevent them from overflowing their containers on smaller screens.

24. What is the purpose of the transform property in CSS?

Ans: The transform property in CSS allows you to apply various transformations to elements, such as scaling, rotating, skewing, and translating (moving). It provides a way to manipulate and position elements without affecting their normal flow in the document. The transform property can be used to create visually engaging effects and animations.

25. Explain the CSS calc() function.

Ans: The calc() function in CSS allows you to perform mathematical calculations when specifying property values. It is particularly useful for dynamically calculating sizes, positions, or dimensions. With calc(), you can combine different units and perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. For example, you can use calc(100% - 20px) to set the width of an element to 100% minus 20 pixels.

26. What is the purpose of the nth-child selector in CSS?

Ans: The nth-child selector in CSS allows you to select and style elements based on their position within a parent element. It uses the n value to target elements according to a specified pattern. For example, :nth-child(2n) selects every even child element, and :nth-child(3n+1) selects every third child element starting from the first.

27. What are the different units of measurement in CSS?

Ans: CSS supports various units of measurement, including:

  • Pixels (px): A fixed unit of measurement based on the device’s screen pixels.
  • Percentages (%): Relative to the parent element’s size or the specified property’s value.
  • EM (em): Relative to the element’s font size. It inherits the font size of its parent.
  • REM (rem): Similar to em, but relative to the root element’s font size.
  • Viewport Units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax): Relative to the size of the viewport (the browser window).
  • Points (pt): Used primarily for print media, where 1 point is equal to 1/72nd of an inch.
  • Inches (in), Centimeters (cm), Millimeters (mm): Absolute physical units of measurement.

28. What is the purpose of the @import rule in CSS?

Ans: The @import rule in CSS allows you to import external CSS files into another CSS file. It is useful for modularizing stylesheets or combining multiple stylesheets into a single file. The @import rule is typically placed at the beginning of a CSS file and specifies the path to the external CSS file to be imported. However, it is worth noting that using multiple @import statements can result in slower page loading times, so it’s generally recommended to use the <link> tag to include external CSS files.

29. How can you center an element horizontally in CSS?

Ans: To center an element horizontally in CSS, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Using margin: 0 auto;: Apply margin: 0 auto; to the element. This centers the element horizontally within its parent container as long as the parent has a defined width.
  • Using Flexbox: Apply display: flex; and justify-content: center; to the parent container. This will center the child elements horizontally.
  • Using Grid: Apply display: grid; and justify-items: center; to the parent container. This centers the child elements horizontally within the grid cells.

30. What is the purpose of the overflow property in CSS?

Ans: The overflow property in CSS is used to control how content that overflows the boundaries of its container is displayed. It specifies whether to display scrollbars, clip the content, or automatically expand the container to accommodate the content. The possible values for the overflow property are visible, hidden, scroll, auto, and inherit.

31. Explain the difference between visibility: hidden and display: none.


  • visibility: hidden: When an element is set to visibility: hidden, it remains in the document flow and takes up space like it normally would, but it becomes invisible. The element is still there and affects the layout of other elements. In other words, it is not visible, but it still occupies space.
  • display: none: When an element is set to display: none, it is completely removed from the document flow. The element is not rendered, and it does not take up any space. It is as if the element does not exist on the page. Other elements are not affected by its absence.

32. What is the purpose of the background property in CSS?

Ans: The background property in CSS is used to set the background color, image, and other properties of an element. It allows you to customize the visual appearance of elements by specifying background-related properties such as background-color, background-image, background-position, background-repeat, and more. The background property provides a shorthand way to set multiple background properties at once.

33. What is the purpose of the box-decoration-break property in CSS?

Ans: The box-decoration-break property in CSS is used to control how box decorations, such as borders and backgrounds, are rendered when an element is broken across multiple lines or columns. By default, box decorations are rendered as if the element is one continuous box. However, by using the box-decoration-break property with a value of slice, clone, or clone slice, you can specify how the decorations should behave when they encounter line breaks or column breaks.

34. How can you create a sticky header/footer in CSS?

Ans: To create a sticky header or footer in CSS, you can use the position: sticky; property. Here’s how:

  • Set the position: sticky; property on the header or footer element you want to be sticky.
  • Specify the top, bottom, left, or right property to indicate the distance from the edge of the nearest scrolling container where the sticky element should “stick” to.
  • Ensure that the parent container of the sticky element has a defined height or a scrollable content area.

35. What is the purpose of the flexbox layout in CSS?

Ans: The flexbox layout, or Flexible Box Layout, is a CSS layout module that provides a flexible way to distribute space among items within a container. It simplifies the process of creating responsive and flexible layouts by allowing elements to dynamically adjust their size, alignment, and order. The flexbox layout is especially useful for building one-dimensional layouts, such as navigation menus, grid systems, and flexible content containers.

36. Explain the concept of responsive images in CSS.

Ans: Responsive images in CSS are images that adapt and scale based on the size of the viewport or container. The goal is to ensure that images look visually appealing and are appropriately sized for different devices and screen sizes. CSS provides several techniques for responsive images, such as:

  • Using the max-width: 100%; rule to ensure images don’t exceed their container’s width.
  • Utilizing the srcset and sizes attributes to provide different image sources and sizes based on the viewport width.
  • Employing media queries to conditionally load different images or adjust image styles based on the screen size.

37. What is the purpose of the object-fit property in CSS?

Ans: The object-fit property in CSS is used to control how an image or video fits within its container. It specifies how the content should be resized or positioned to fill the container while maintaining its aspect ratio. The object-fit property provides options like fill, contain, cover, none, and more, allowing you to control the visual presentation of images and videos.

38. How can you create a dropdown menu in CSS?

Ans: To create a dropdown menu in CSS, you can use a combination of HTML and CSS. Here’s a basic example:

  • Use an HTML <ul> (unordered list) to create the menu structure with list items (<li>) as menu items.
  • Apply CSS styles to the menu items and set their position property to relative.
  • Use CSS to hide the dropdown menu initially (display: none;).
  • On hovering or focusing on the parent menu item, use CSS to show the dropdown menu (display: block;) and position it below the parent item (position: absolute; top: 100%;).

39. What is the purpose of the rem unit in CSS?

Ans: The rem unit in CSS stands for “root em” and is relative to the font size of the root element (usually <html>). It allows you to define sizes based on the root font size and creates a scalable and consistent layout across the entire document. By using rem units, you can easily adjust the size of multiple elements by changing the root font size in a single place. It is commonly used for responsive design and accessibility to ensure that text and layout adapt to different screen sizes and user preferences.

40. Explain the CSS :focus pseudo-class.

Ans: The :focus pseudo-class in CSS is used to select an element that is currently in focus. It applies styles to an element when it receives keyboard focus or is targeted by the user, such as through clicking or tapping. This pseudo-class is commonly used to enhance the accessibility and usability of interactive elements, like form inputs and buttons, by providing a visual indication of the currently focused element.

41. What is the purpose of the position: sticky property in CSS?

Ans: The position: sticky property in CSS is used to create elements that behave as relatively positioned elements within their parent, but become fixed or “sticky” based on the user’s scroll position. When an element with position: sticky is scrolled beyond a specified threshold (defined by top, bottom, left, or right), it becomes fixed to the viewport or its nearest scrollable ancestor. This property is commonly used for creating sticky headers, footers, or sidebars.

42. How can you create a responsive grid layout in CSS?

Ans: To create a responsive grid layout in CSS, you can use CSS Grid or Flexbox. Here’s a brief overview of both approaches:

  • CSS Grid: Define a grid container and its grid items. Use properties like grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and grid-gap to specify the grid structure and spacing. CSS Grid allows you to create both fixed and flexible grid layouts with precise control over column and row placement.
  • Flexbox: Apply display: flex; to a parent container and use flex properties like flex-direction, flex-wrap, justify-content, and align-items to control the layout and alignment of flex items. Flexbox is particularly useful for creating one-dimensional layouts, such as rows or columns.

43. What is the purpose of the filter property in CSS?

Ans: The filter property in CSS is used to apply graphical effects to elements, such as adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, or blurring. It provides a way to modify the visual appearance of images, backgrounds, or any other element that supports graphical content. The filter property accepts various filter functions like blur(), brightness(), contrast(), grayscale(), and more, allowing you to create interesting visual effects directly in CSS.

44. Explain the CSS :first-child selector.

Ans: The :first-child selector in CSS is used to select the first child element of its parent. It targets an element that is the first child among its siblings. This selector is useful when you want to apply specific styles to the first occurrence of an element within a container, regardless of its tag name or class. For example, p:first-child selects the first paragraph element within its parent container.

45. What is the purpose of the outline property in CSS?

Ans: The outline property in CSS is used to define a visible outline around an element, typically when it receives focus or is targeted by user interaction. It is often used to provide a visual indication of keyboard focus for accessibility purposes. The outline property sets the style, color, and width of the outline, allowing you to customize its appearance. Unlike the border property, the outline does not affect the layout of the element and is typically drawn outside of the element’s border.

46. How can you vertically align text in CSS?

Ans: To vertically align text in CSS, you can use the display: flex; and align-items: center; properties on the parent container. This aligns the text vertically in the middle of the container. Alternatively, you can also use the line-height property with a value equal to the container’s height to center the text vertically.

47. What is the purpose of the pointer-events property in CSS?

Ans: The pointer-events property in CSS is used to control how an element responds to mouse events, such as clicks or hover effects. It specifies whether an element should be considered for mouse events and how it interacts with pointer events. The pointer-events property accepts values like auto, none, visible, and more, allowing you to define the behavior of an element in relation to pointer events.

48. Explain the CSS :nth-of-type selector.

Ans: The :nth-of-type selector in CSS is used to select elements based on their position within a parent container, specifically their type. It allows you to target elements that are the nth child of a specific type within their parent. For example, p:nth-of-type(2) selects the second paragraph element within its parent container, regardless of other elements or their order.

49. What is the purpose of the border-radius property in CSS?

Ans: The border-radius property in CSS is used to control the curvature or roundness of the corners of an element’s border. It allows you to create rounded corners on elements such as divs, buttons, or images. By specifying a value in pixels or percentages, you can adjust the degree of curvature and create visually appealing designs.

50. How can you create a CSS animation?

Ans: To create a CSS animation, you can use the @keyframes rule along with the animation property. Here’s a basic example:

  • Define the keyframes using @keyframes, specifying the different styles or transformations at different percentages.
  • Apply the animation to the target element using the animation property, specifying the name of the keyframes, duration, timing function, delay, and other optional parameters.

51. What is the purpose of the unicode-bidi property in CSS?

Ans: The unicode-bidi property in CSS is used to control the behavior of bidirectional text, which combines text in different languages that are read in different directions (e.g., Arabic and English). It specifies the handling of bidirectional text within an element and determines whether the text is displayed from left-to-right or right-to-left. Additionally, this property plays a crucial role in maintaining proper text directionality and ensuring optimal readability for languages that require bidirectional rendering.

52. Explain the concept of CSS sprites.

Ans: CSS sprites are a technique used to combine multiple small images into a single larger image, called a sprite sheet. By doing so, the browser makes fewer HTTP requests when loading a webpage, improving performance. CSS sprites are used by setting the background-image property on an element and adjusting the background-position to display the specific part of the sprite sheet that corresponds to the desired image. This technique is commonly used for icons, buttons, or any elements with repetitive graphics.

53. What is the purpose of the max-width property in CSS?

Ans: The max-width property in CSS is used to set the maximum width of an element. It limits the width of the element, ensuring that it does not exceed a specified value. This property is commonly used in responsive design to create fluid layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. By setting a max-width, you can prevent elements from becoming too wide on larger screens, maintaining readability and improving the overall user experience.

These questions cover a range of topics in CSS and can help you prepare for your CSS interview. Moreover, it is important to not only memorize the answers but also understand the underlying concepts. Additionally, grasping the core concepts will enable you to apply them effectively in real-world scenarios. Therefore, remember to go beyond rote memorization and strive to gain a deep understanding of CSS principles. This approach will not only impress interviewers but also equip you with the skills needed to tackle complex challenges in your future CSS endeavors.

Good luck with your CSS interview preparation!

In addition to providing valuable insights on CSS interview questions, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve also prepared a comprehensive list of HTML interview questions to help you excel in your interviews.

CSS Interview

1 thought on “Ace Your CSS Interview with These Top 50+ Questions!”

  1. נערות ליוויGar

    Good point, makes a sense especially when one is experienced in the topic. So keep righting and share your thoughts and experiences.

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