July 2023

Google Business Profile: Appointment Link Shift to Booking Section

Google Business Profiles: Appointment Link Relocated to Booking Section

In a recent update, Google has made significant changes to how businesses can add appointment links to their Google Business Profiles. Previously located in the “Edit Profile” section, the appointment link is now accessible within the main “Booking” section. This change was first noticed and brought to attention by Darren Shaw on Twitter. According to […]

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Google's Summer Algorithm Update: Confirmed Rollout

Google Set to Roll Out Confirmed Algorithm Update This Summer

It appears that the SEO community has been eagerly anticipating a confirmed Google search ranking update since April 2023. Despite the absence of official confirmation, industry experts are expecting Google to release a search ranking algorithm update before the summer ends. Google’s spokesperson, John Mueller, addressed the matter on Twitter and expressed certainty that there

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WordPress 6.3: Better SEO with LCP Optimization

Get Ready for Better SEO: WordPress 6.3 Enhances Core Web Vitals with LCP Optimization

WordPress 6.3, set for release in August 2023, aims to improve the SEO performance of websites, specifically in terms of the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric. LCP measures the time it takes to render the largest image or text block on a webpage. By optimizing HTML attributes and introducing the fetch priority attribute, WordPress aims

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Google's Bard Update: More Features and Global Availability

Bard by Google: Now with More Features and Global Accessibility

Guess what? Google has just unveiled some exciting updates for its generative AI tool, Bard, and they’re absolutely awesome! They’ve added a bunch of new features and made Bard available to “most of the world” in many different languages. How cool is that? We all know that curiosity and imagination are the secret ingredients of

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Google Ads Rolls Out Enhanced Circumventing Systems Policy

In an upcoming update, Google Ads will be reinforcing its Circumventing Systems policy to address repeated and simultaneous policy violations across multiple accounts. The change aims to clarify that using two or more accounts to post ads that violate any Google Ads policy is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance with this policy can result in the suspension

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Exciting News: Twitter's Job Listings Option Set to Launch Soon

Twitter Nears Launch of New Job Listings Feature for Verified Organizations

Twitter is testing a new job listings feature exclusively for Verified Organizations. Workweek, one of the first brands to gain access, can now post job openings directly on its Twitter profile. This feature is part of the Verified for Organizations package, which costs $1,000 per month. While it is not officially listed on Twitter’s Verified

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Google's Universal Analytics 3 Continues Data Collection : Beyond the Deadline

Google’s Universal Analytics 3 Continues Data Collection : Beyond the Deadline

Google’s Universal Analytics 3 (UA3) is still collecting data for most UA3 profiles, even after the supposed deadline of July 1st. Despite the announcement from Google that they would be shutting down UA3 and urging users to transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), data collection seems to be ongoing for many profiles. An informal poll

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