Is Google Analytics 4 Ready to Support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?

Is Google Analytics 4 Ready to Support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) now offers support for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), according to an announcement made by Google Ads Liaison Ginny Marvin. This update allows all websites utilizing GA4 to incorporate AMP and benefit from its capabilities. To enable AMP analytics in GA4, website publishers simply need to make a minor update to their […]

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Expanded Conversion Credit: GA4 Enhances Google Ads Eligibility

Google Analytics 4 Broadens Google Ads Conversion Credit Selection Eligibility

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has recently introduced a new feature that allows users to select which channels are eligible to receive conversion credit for web conversions shared with Google Ads. Users now have the option to choose between Google paid channels or paid and organic channels, whereas the default channel is set to Google paid

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