Digital Marketing Interview Questions

Top 40 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers in 2023 | Mostly Asked Questions

Digital marketing enables marketers to take advantage of the Internet and digital technologies such as desktop, computers, mobile phones and other digital media to promote their products and services to audiences around the world. It’s also a challenging job as technology trends change consumer behavior.

To make your task easier, we have prepared the ultimate list of digital marketing interview questions. They apply to businesses of all sizes and in all major industries. With digital marketing interview questions and answers at your disposal, you’re one step closer to landing your dream job.

Digital Marketing Interview Questions

Here, are the top 40 digital marketing interview questions for fresher which were usually asked in interview:

Q1. What are the difference between bounce rate and dwell time?

Ans:  Bounce rate is calculated when someone visits a single page on your website and does nothing on the page before leaving.

Dwell time is the actual length of time that a visitor spends on a page before returning to the SERP.

Q2. What are the main factors that can affect the PPC bid?

Ans:  Below are some factors that can affect your PPC bid:
– Advertiser’s budget
– The time interval of advertising
– Keyword popularity
– How competitive your keywords are

Q3. What are the 6 key areas where you can use keywords to optimize site ranking?

Ans: The following are the key areas where you can use keywords to optimize site ranking:
– Meta Title
– Meta Description
– H1 Tags
– Alt Tags
– Internal and External Links

Q4. Write the name of some important digital marketing tools.

Ans: Following is a list of some top digital marketing tools:
– Google Analytics
– Keyword Planner
– Mail Chimp
– Buzz Sumo
– Mozinars
– Loopfuse
– Hootsuite etc.

Q5. What is the difference between on page and off page SEO?

Ans: On page SEO refers to changes made on website. On-page optimization includes refining the content, meta description, title tags, URL optimization, image optimization, etc.

Off page refers to the changes made outside the website. Simply, Off-page optimization means building higher quality backlinks by doing guest posting, classified submission, blogging, forum posting, etc.

Q6. Why are keywords important to SEO?

Ans: – Define and speak the language of your target market
– Create useful content for your target audience
– Tell Google that the web page matches the query
– Improve your search engine rankings by helping Google understand what a web page is about
– Show content to the right people at the right time
– Drive more qualified traffic to relevant web pages
– Increase time on site by driving more qualified traffic to your web pages
– Increase conversions by helping consumers find you, not your competition

Q7. How can we increase the conversion rate?

Ans: A technique called Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is used to increase conversion rates. This method is used to optimize sponsored search ads and overall website design to increase conversion rates. You should focus on the following things to increase your conversion rate:

  • Write keyword rich content.
  • Your ad should match the pages.
  • Write clickable PPC ads.
  • User registration, registration and purchase should be simple.
  • Make your web page design simple and elegant.
Q8. Explain the importance of backlinks in SEO?

Ans: Backlinks are links to your website from other websites. If they are high-quality websites, the credibility of your website increases. Links will increase your domain authority, your visibility in organic search engine rankings, and referral traffic to your site.

Q9. Explain how you know a digital marketing campaign is not successful.

Ans: You need to focus on the traffic you get from it. Website traffic is often a great indicator of a site’s strength, but it also shows where a site is weak.

For example, if the goal of your website is to attract leads and you are not getting them, the digital marketing campaign is ineffective.

Q10. Explain inbound and outbound marketing.

Ans: Inbound Marketing – This involves attracting customers and converting them into leads through various marketing channels such as SEO, content marketing, viral videos, webinars, social media campaigns, etc.

Outbound marketing involves reaching out to a target audience through more traditional forms of marketing such as television channels, radio ads, print ads, trade shows, sales calls, and email.

Q11. List the name of atleast 10 plugins that come with WordPress.

Ans: The following are the top ten most popular WordPress plugins that come with WordPress.
– WP Forms
– Jetpack
– Woocommerce
– Yoast SEO
– Contact Form 7
– Google Analytics for WordPress
– Akismet
– All in One SEO Pack
– Wordfence Security
– Elementor

Q12. Differentiate between Dofollow and Nofollow.

Ans:   Dofollow: These links allow search engine crawlers to follow the link to give it a push from the search engine results pages and pass link juice (reputation passed on to another website) to the destination site.
           For example: <ahref=””>XYZ</a>

Nofollow: These links prevent search engine crawlers from following the link. Also does not forward links to the destination domain.
           For example: <ahref=”” rel=”nofollow”>XYZ</a>

Q13. What are the key metrics for measuring the success of paid search campaigns.

Ans: Key metrics for measuring the success of paid search campaigns:

  • Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per conversion
  • Quality score
Q14. Tell us what KPIs you would use in social media reporting.

Ans: The most popular KPIs in social media are:
– Reachability
– Engagement
– Leads
– Transformations
– Likes
– Actions
– Traffic data
– Active fans/subscribers
– Brand mentions

Q15. What is Ad Scheduling?

Ans: Ad scheduling allows marketers to set specific hours or days during which we show ads to audiences. It can also adjust bids for a specific day or time.

Q16. How to Avoid Google Penalty in Digital Marketing?

Ans: Follow these steps to avoid a Google penalty:

  • Your website should be simple, clean and work well.
  • Your website should be mobile friendly.
  • Your website should be user-friendly.
  • Check the broken links. Links must not be broken.
  • Do not use duplicate content. This will reduce your traffic and site ranking.
  • Use smart keywords and tags.
Q17. What is Quality Score in Google Ads?

Ans: Quality Score is Google’s assessment of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and PPC ads. It is used to determine your cost per click (CPC) and is multiplied by your maximum bid to determine your ad rank during the ad auction process.

Learn More: Quality Score

Q18. What is 301 redirection ? How it is different from 302 redirection?

Ans: A 301 redirect is a status code that tells search engines and users that the page has finally moved and ensures that they are directed to the correct page.

While a 302 redirect is a temporary change that redirects users and search engines to a desired new location for a limited period of time until the redirect is removed.

Q19. What is keyword Cannibalization?

Ans: When you have various web pages or articles on your site that can rank for the same search query in the
search engine is known as keyword cannibalization.

Q20. What is technical SEO? List some checklist of Technical SEO.

Ans: Technical SEO included improving the technical factors of a website to increase the ranking of its page in
the search engines. Checklist of technical SEO are:

  • Sitemap.XML
  • Sitemap.HTML
  • Robots.txt file
  • Page Load Time
  • Canonical Tag
  • Redirection (404, 301,302)
  • Open Graph Tag
Q21. Explain what is CTR? How do you calculate it?

Ans:  CTR stands for click-through rate: a metric that measures the number of clicks advertisers receive on their ads per impression.

Achieving a high click-through rate is critical to your PPC success because it directly affects both your Quality Score and how much you pay each time someone clicks on your search ad.

CTR = Clicks / Impression x 100
Q22. What is difference between Adwords & Adsense?

Ans: AdWords allows businesses to place ads on the Google Network, while AdSense allows publishers to reserve space for AdWords placement on their sites. Both AdWords and AdSense work together to complete the Google ad network, with website owners allocating space for Google ads (AdSense) and businesses setting budgets and ads to show on the ad network (AdWords).

Q23. What is Page Speed? Why is it important?

Ans: Page speed is a measure of how quickly your site’s content loads for the user. This is important because pages that load faster are more efficient and provide a better on-page experience. Google also takes page speed into account when ranking websites. As per the ‘Seobility’, the website response time should be less than 0.4 seconds.

Many factors that affect to page speed:

  • Page size
  • Images, video, and heavy files
  • Excess code and Javascript
  • Load time
  • Time to First Byte (TTFB)
  • Round Trip Time (RTT)
  • Last Contentful Paint
Q24. What is Black Hat SEO?

Ans: Black hat SEO is a tactic used to rank a website that violates search engine guidelines. Black hat SEO techniques attempt to manipulate search engine algorithms to increase a site’s ranking in search results. Some of the example of black hat SEO are:

  • Invisible texts
  • Cloaking
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Duplicate Content
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Paid links
Q25. What is the latest trends in Digital Marketing today?

Ans: Top 7 latest digital marketing trends in 2023 are:

  • AI in Marketing
  • Metaverse
  • NFTs
  • New wave of Influencer Marketing
  • Voice Search
  • Short-form video content
  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Q26. What are the key areas where you can use keywords to optimize the site ranking?

Ans: Key areas to use keywords to optimize the website ranking:

  • Title Tag
  • Headlines (H1 tag)
  • Meta Description
  • URL
  • Content
  • Image titles & Alt text
Q27. What do you think is the biggest challenge in digital marketing?

Ans:  Some of the biggest challenges in digital marketing are:

  • Generating Quality Leads
  • Knowing your Target Audience
  • Creating Engaging Content
  • Promoting Brand Awareness
  • Measuring Data & Google Analytics
Q28. What are the types of keyword match in Google Ads?

Ans: There are three types of keyword match in Google Ads:

  • Exact match : An exact match is the most specific of all types. If this is applied, your ad will only be shown if someone searches for the exact keyword or a close variant of it, such as misspellings, singular and plural forms, origins, acronyms and abbreviations. Syntax of exact match is:   [keyword]
  • Phrase Match : Phrase match shows your ad for queries that have the same meaning as your keyword or more specific forms of your keyword. Syntax of phrase match is:     “keyword”
  • Broad Match : Broad match keywords are when your ad appears in search results for queries related to your keywords, but doesn’t necessarily contain the exact terms.
Q29. What is Remarketing in Google Ads?

Ans: Remarketing is a very common and popular form of digital marketing where marketers show ads to users who have visited their website or a specific web page and who have or have not taken certain actions. This is an effective way to target people who have already shown interest in your business or brand.

Learn more: Remarketing

Q30. Name some of the Google Ad Extensions?

Ans: Some of the Google Ad Extensions are:

  • Sitelink Extension
  • Call Extension
  • Callout Extension
  • Lead Form Extension
  • Structured Snippet Extension
  • Product Extension
  • Location Extension
  • Price Extension
  • App Extension and many more.

Learn More: Complete Google Ad Extension Tutorial

Q31. What is Facebook Pixel?

Ans: The Facebook pixel is a piece of code for your website that allows you to measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns.

Q32. What Are Some Common Facebook Ad Mistakes?

Ans: Some common Facebook ad mistakes are:

  • Targeting the wrong people
  • Setting the ad budget too high or too low
  • Avoiding A/B Testing
  • Writing a bad primary text & headlines in ads
  • Too much text on ads Images
  • Ignoring Ad schedule
Q33. What are the best practices to rank your videos on YouTube?

Ans: Best practices to rank your videos on YouTube are:

  • Do Keyword Research Properly
  • Use keywords in your Video title
  • Add tags to the videos
  • Optimize your descriptions
  • Increase audience engagement
  • Use eye-catching thumbnail
  • Add subtitle
  • Promote the channel & videos
  • Use relevant hashtags
Q34. What is mobile-first indexing?

Ans: Mobile indexing means that Google uses the mobile version of a website’s content for ranking and indexing. On July 1, 2019, mobile indexing was initially rolled out to all websites.

Q35. List down the most important Local SEO ranking factors?

Ans: Important Local SEO ranking factors are:

  • Complete Google Business Profile
  • Choosing the primary category according to your business
  • Photos on Google Business Profile
  • Citations / Directories
  • Number of positive reviews
  • Review with responses
  • Consistent Name, Address & Phone No. (NAP)
  • Presence on Google Map
Q36. How can you determine how well your content is performing?

Ans: We can determine through:

  • Search Engine Result Page
  • Traffic & Repeated Traffic
  • Engagement – Likes, shares, comments, etc.
  • Call to Action – Inquiries, leads, sales, etc.
Q37. What would you do to improve CTR of your email?

Ans: a. Create a compelling subject line

b. Make your email mobile-friendly

c. Create engaging content

d. A/B test your emails

e. Place Call to Action on your email

f. Personalize your emails

Q38. What is A/B testing?

Ans: A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a web page or app or ads against each other to determine which one performs better.

Q39. How do you respond to negative comments?

Ans:  To respond to negative comments:

  • Be quick to acknowledge
  • Try to understand what happened to them, and how you can make it right
  • Offer to resolve your customer problems either through phone or email
  • Don’t feed the social media trolls
Q40. What are your plans after joining this digital marketing role?

Ans: For this question, explain in a structured way the development, preparation and execution of a marketing action plan, which includes everything from calculating the budget and identifying the latest trends to implementing the plan and checking how it can be improved with each iteration.


This brings us to the end of the Digital Marketing Interview Questions article. I believe the content was relevant and added value to your knowledge of digital marketing.

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Digital Marketing Interview Questions

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