Google Ads

Google Ads: A Beginner Guide To Setting Up Your Ads

If you’re considering spending any amount of money on ads to reach your target audience, you better spend it in the right place.

That is, somewhere with more than 2.9 billion unique visitors per month and 5 billion daily interactions.
Somewhere like Google.

Billions of searches are performed on Google every second, and most search results pages contain Google ads. Google Ads is an effective way to drive relevant and qualified traffic to your website at the exact moment people are looking for the types of products or services your business offers.

Learn how to start advertising on Google in this guide. We’ll discuss platform-specific features and teach you how to optimize your campaigns to get the best results from your ads.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a paid advertising platform that falls under a marketing channel known as pay-per-click (PPC), where you (the advertiser) pay per click or impression (CPM) on an ad.

Google Ads is an effective way to bring qualified traffic to your business, or qualified customers who are looking for products and services similar to the ones you offer. With Google Ads, you can increase traffic to your website, receive more phone calls and increase traffic to your store.

If you want to increase engagement, increase brand awareness and increase sales, Google Ads should be a core part of your paid marketing strategy.

Over time, It will also help you analyze and improve these ads to reach more people so your business can achieve all of your paid campaign goals.

8 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads?

♠  Google Ads is one of the best tools for generating leads. If your campaigns are set up correctly, they have the potential to send extremely targeted leads to your website, opt-in form or other online service.

♠  Anyone who regularly uses Google Ads will tell you that it is an extremely flexible marketing platform. It is suitable for all types and sizes of organizations.

♠  Unlike other marketing strategies, Google Ads forces you to pay only for ads that people click on. Once you optimize your Google Ads campaigns, you can achieve high ROI that may not be possible with other marketing strategies.

♠  It allows you to limit your daily budget so you don’t have to spend more money than you want to. You can decide how much you want to spend and only pay when someone interacts with your ad.

♠  With Google’s market dominance and massive customer base, the search giant can send businesses huge amounts of traffic every day if those businesses have the budget to do so.

 Google Ads complements your other marketing activities. Remarketing is a particularly effective way to use ads to target people who have shown interest in your business. You can track past visitors to your website using Google Ads remarketing.

Google Ads Terms To Know

1. Campaign – An ad campaign in Google AdWords consists of your ad groups and has the same budget, campaign type, and other ad settings. It’s generally the first thing you set up when you advertise, and it helps you organize your various paid advertising activities. You can run multiple campaigns at any time from your Google Account.

2. Ad groups – An ad group is your set of keywords, budgets and targeting methods for a specific objective within the same campaign. For example, if you’re running an ad campaign selling shoes, you can set up ad groups to target online sales of women’s and men’s shoes. You can have multiple ads in each ad group.

3. Keywords – Keywords are very important in your Ads. These are the words or phrases you choose for your ads and will help determine where and when your ad appears. When choosing your keywords, think like your customers and what they would be looking for when they want your product, service or offer. While you can include as many as you like, I recommend twenty keywords or less.

4. Quality Score – Quality Score is Google’s measurement of the relevance of your ad’s headline, description, keywords, and destination URL to the potential customer who sees your ad. A higher Quality Score can get you better ad placement and lower costs.

5. Impressions – Impressions are a measure of how many times your ad has been shown.

6. Ad Rank – Ad Rank is a value that is used to determine where an ad appears on a page. It is based on your quality score and bid amount.

7. Ad Extensions – Ad extensions are additional information about your business, such as your local address, phone number, and even coupons or other websites. They’re what appear in blue under the description of your ads.

8. Call to Action (CTA) – A CTA is literally the action you want your searcher to take. Good calls to action in your ads are short, action-oriented words like “Buy,” “Get,” “Act Now,” etc.

9. Click Through Rate (CTR) – Your CTR is an important metric in your account setup. It measures how many people who saw your ad clicked on your link.

10. Cost Per Impression (CPM) – CPM is a pricing method that bases your cost on the number of times your ads are shown (impressions).

How To Create Google Ads

Google Ads Pro Tips

Now that you know how to use and set up a Google Ads campaign, here are some quick tips or best practices to help you create successful campaigns.

We have covered them extensively in this post, but their importance cannot be overstated. Use it as a checklist that you can refer back to again and again.

1. Have a clear goal
It’s important to define your goals before creating an ad, rather than creating an ad first and then editing it to meet your goals. Sit down with your marketing team, prepare an advertising plan and create SMART goals for your Google Ads campaigns.

2. Create a relevant landing page
When you’re prompted to add a URL when creating an ad, make sure the URL you provide points to a relevant landing page.

If your ad is interesting enough that someone clicks on it, you can undo all that great work if it directs them to the wrong landing page.

Therefore, optimize your landing pages so that your ad helps convert a curious visitor into a paying customer. Check out our landing page guide to know exactly how to create great landing pages.

3. Use the right keywords
Keywords are very important, so it is right that you choose the best ones for your ad.

Long-tail keywords are some of the best types of keywords because they are very specific and can target a single business.

For example, let’s say you run a digital marketing agency. A general keyword like “digital marketing agency” won’t target people in your area, but something like “digital marketing agency in varanasi” is more likely to attract the right audience.

4. Automate the process
By optimizing your bidding process, you can maximize conversions. Tools like Smart Bids can raise or lower bids for you, depending on the chance of success.

Therefore, you will spend money only when there is a better chance of success.

5. Use ad extensions
Extensions can increase the performance of your ad. These extensions allow you to identify your location, services, goods or promotions.

For example, you can include a phone number in your ad so people can call you right away to inquire about your services.

6. Use negative keywords
Google Ads allows you to include negative keywords. Using these keywords indicates what your product or service is not, preventing you from appearing in irrelevant SERPs.

Using the example of a dog clinic, you can only deal with dogs and not cats or other pets. In this case, you can exclude terms like “cats” and other qualifiers.

7. Measure and improve your strategy
When you integrate your ads with Google Analytics, you can track important metrics like page popularity, keywords that drive the most traffic, and more.

Collecting and analyzing these and other metrics will help you improve the quality of your ads, increase conversions, and increase revenue over time.

To build your career in Digital Marketing or become a Google Ads Expert call us at +91-8470079475.


If your Google Ads are facing any issues then feel free to contact us at +91-8470079475


Google Ads

3 thoughts on “Google Ads: A Beginner Guide To Setting Up Your Ads”

  1. newsmax com live

    Good article with great ideas! Thank you for this important article. Thank you very much for this wonderful information.

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