Google Business Profile: Appointment Link Shift to Booking Section

Google Business Profiles: Appointment Link Relocated to Booking Section

In a recent update, Google has made significant changes to how businesses can add appointment links to their Google Business Profiles. Previously located in the “Edit Profile” section, the appointment link is now accessible within the main “Booking” section.

Google Business Profile: Appointment Link Shift to Booking Section

This change was first noticed and brought to attention by Darren Shaw on Twitter. According to his tweet, not only has the appointment link been relocated, but businesses can now add unlimited links and even designate a preferred link.

To access the appointment link feature, businesses need to search for their business name on Google. The “Booking” section will appear, and upon clicking, a new screen will load, allowing users to add their desired links to online booking tools.

Google Business Profile: Appointment Link Shift to Booking Section

It is worth noting that in February, Google removed the appointment link, leading to confusion among users who thought it might have been a bug. With this latest change, it seems that the appointment link’s removal may have been related to the implementation of the new “Booking” section.

This update from Google offers businesses more flexibility and control over their appointment links, streamlining the process of setting up and managing online bookings. As the digital landscape evolves, it is essential for businesses to adapt and leverage these changes to optimize their online presence and user experience.

Stay ahead of the curve and make the most out of this update by exploring the new features in the “Booking” section of your Google Business Profile. Ensure your customers can easily book appointments with you and enhance their overall interaction with your business. Keep an eye out for further updates from Google, as they continue to refine and improve their platform to better serve businesses and consumers alike.

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